
How to ‘Speak Easy’

How to ‘Speak Easy’

Public speaking is not only our top fear, it’s also far and away the #1 most popular leadership development topic. I can relate – even after teaching hundreds of classes and speaking in front of

groups sized 6 to 600, I still get nervous every single time. Admittedly, that adrenaline rush is part of the

allure for me, and it’s manageable because I have honed some effective techniques over time. Here are

my favorites……..

10 Ways to Work to Live

10 Ways to Work to Live

We all want to work to live rather than live to work, but how do we do that holistically? In addition to

the 40 plus hour work week, we have families, pets, friends, housekeeping duties, cooking – I could go

on for hours. So how can you ensure you are taking care of your own wellness while juggling all of these

things we refer to as LIFE?